Things that add the spice or flavor to life

This blog was inspired by my children, my pets and friends. Through years of trying to entertain children I found other families, friends and community groups to collaborate with for ideas and resources. Those who know me, know how much children, pets, nature and creativity mean to me. The little the things that add some fun and flavor to your life, like art, creative cooking, nature activities, and fun facts. I was blessed with, and extremely thankful for, many of these things in my life. My mission here is to offer ideas, and inspiration among friends and put together a network of resources, including a list of organizations that do good in our community and a way to support them.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

So it's a dreary day here today and my allergies are making me feel groggy. The sun has peaked out a few times to give me hope of a sunny afternoon. My question is, how do the birds keep singing on days like this? All I need to do is fill the feeders and they are happy and singing and busy flying about all day being productive; there is a lesson to be learned here. Make hay while the sun shines? No, that's not it, no sunshine today. Save a penny for a rainy day? Maybe. What's that quote from the bible about the birds and not to worry about how you will eat or what to wear? I don't know, I will head out to the rabbits and see if they can offer any inspiration.....................

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