Things that add the spice or flavor to life

This blog was inspired by my children, my pets and friends. Through years of trying to entertain children I found other families, friends and community groups to collaborate with for ideas and resources. Those who know me, know how much children, pets, nature and creativity mean to me. The little the things that add some fun and flavor to your life, like art, creative cooking, nature activities, and fun facts. I was blessed with, and extremely thankful for, many of these things in my life. My mission here is to offer ideas, and inspiration among friends and put together a network of resources, including a list of organizations that do good in our community and a way to support them.

Monday, March 14, 2011

I see Spring!

I really think I saw signs of spring today! Even through the brief snow flurries! Isee some green shoots coming up out of the ground-Irises! More color at the bird feeder - lots of yellow finches today.

Friday, my 4H club started making plans for a garden. We will grow some things for our furry friends, some for our feathered friends and some for us! We planted some flower seeds at the meeting to take home and start indoors now.

Sewing classes are in the works, I should have a scedule next week. My Mom and I are starting a site on Etsy soon too. I convinced Mom to sell some of quilting to help support her passion. i can't wait to see what she is willing to part with. Whatever it is will be very special, and not just because she is Mom; she has won several awards at quilting shows.

Baking this week was very sweet-an angel food, vanilla pudding and pineapple cake with whip cream for Mom's 83rd birthday! So light and fluffy we all wanted more!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Bully Birds

Monday night I went to a presentation about bullying that was very informative. There were kids and adults present so there was a good mix of questions, opinions and experiences. It was presented by Putnam County DA along with other officials from the county. They are working to get the their message out to as many people as possible and would like to do more presentations; they need to be invited into schools.

Tuesday morning I was reading Wildlife Conservation magazine and came upon an article about the Nazca Booby, a bird that lives on the Galapagos Islands. Apparently these birds, as chicks, will fight and kill their siblings right after they hatch. It seems they do this to improve their chance of survival. These surviving chicks tend to be bullies even into adulthood. The chicks who have no siblings in the nest do not appear to be aggressive as adults.

I wonder if there have been studies on bullying and siblings in humans? It would be interesting to see if more bullies come from large familes and does birth order have any affect........................


Thursday, March 3, 2011

Birders to do list

I just realized that I did not add my To Do list to the birdcount message! Right now is migration, and believe it or not, nest building time. So put out some bird food and suet (see recipe below), get the birdhouses out and clean them up. It is also helpful for the birds, if you put out some nesting materials like yarn scraps, string, dryer lint work, fabric scraps, cottonballs; put them in something like a suet feeder and hang close to the feeders. When my wonderful dog, Ginger, was with us, I would take her outside and brush out her winter undercoat. The loose fur would make big poofy reddish brown tumbleweeds. At one point I was gathering them and throwing them away until one day when it was windy and I lost quite a few. About a week or two later I was watching a bird fly back and forth building a nest and when I got a good look at the nest I noticed that it was kind of furry and the same color as Ginger's fur! So after that I stopped throwing away the fur.

Recipe for bird treats that look good enough to eat:

Melt 1 cup shortening and 2 cups chunky peanut butter over low heat, then mix in 5 cups cornmeal. Fill paper cupcakes liners and top with nuts, bird seed, dried berries. Cool in refridgerator.

This recipe is from Birds and Blooms magazine, Jan 2011 issue

My 4h club made these for the backyard birdcount. I will attempt tp post a picture!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Sewing for Spring

I am feeling very inspired by the spring weather this week! I am also in need of a new favorite purse/hangbag. So I think my sewing class will be some easy to make bags! I will go searching for the perfect fabrics tomorrow!  I am thinking of offering classes during the day for adults and Sunday afternoon fro both kids and adults. I will put it out there next week and see if what kind of feedback I get. Most likely I will start out church - Gilead, Carmel, NY - and possibly hold some at the White Pond center as well.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

My bird count and bird to do list

I would like to thank my friend Michelle for posting and asking some questions! What was my bird count you ask? Well, I did not even attempt to count the flocks that took over my yard for a good portion of the official count. My regular birds were easy to count. I usually have about 8 cardinals, a mix of male and female; 6-8 Juncos; 8-10 black cap chiccadees, 2 nuthatch; 3-4 house finch; an assortment of other sparrows; 4-5 titmice; 3-4 bluejays (who also eat my cat food); occasional starlings and a few pesky squirrels.

Dont now what those are? Come on over for a cup tea and I will show you! You can also sample the banana bread. And the cookies are delicious- I ran out of white flour so I used whole wheat and they are good and healthier too!