Things that add the spice or flavor to life

This blog was inspired by my children, my pets and friends. Through years of trying to entertain children I found other families, friends and community groups to collaborate with for ideas and resources. Those who know me, know how much children, pets, nature and creativity mean to me. The little the things that add some fun and flavor to your life, like art, creative cooking, nature activities, and fun facts. I was blessed with, and extremely thankful for, many of these things in my life. My mission here is to offer ideas, and inspiration among friends and put together a network of resources, including a list of organizations that do good in our community and a way to support them.

Monday, November 27, 2017


Who knew that Procrastifectionism was really a term?! A few days ago, OK it was probably a few weeks ago if you want to get technical, I was driving to work and had one those Aha moments. I realized that I do not write or post photos or create enough art because I want to show my perfected, finished pieces, not the works in progress, which sometimes never get posted because I still don't think they are good enough. So I came up with a word, that I though was original, Procrastifectionism, and it appears I am not alone in putting procrastination and perfectionism together. For me, the meaning is to procrastinate finishing or even starting something because you think it has to be perfect. I found this meaning listed on a few sites:

"Procrastifectionism (noun):  Delaying action out of the fear, either conscious or unconscious, of not performing to the unreasonably high

You can google it for yourself and read what they have to say, but it does seem to be a phenomenon shared by many. Here is what I found:

So on this drive to work, I decided that this issue was no longer going to hold me back. I will write from the Heart and not the head, I will use whatever gadget I have at the time and I will edit quickly so I keep the flow of creativity going. Critique if you will, and enjoy my letting go and join me on the journey!

What have you been putting off ?? 

Notice the change in font size - I can't figure out how to change it !

Friday, March 10, 2017

St Patrick's Day scarf

in honor of St Patrick's Day, I made a scarf in my class on finger crochet. So simple and quick, it makes a beautiful light weight, open weave scarf for spring.

Monday, January 16, 2017

Dreams, freedom and motivation

Dogs dream, anyone with a dog in their life can attest to that fact, but do they dream about? Do they dream about eating better food and getting more exercise? Do they dream about sleeping on a more comfy bed or playing with new toys? Whatever they dream about, they use a non verbal language and the fine art of persuasion to communicate what is on their mind.

 There is the famous quote about having a dream and another that freedom isn't free. While our dreams may not be as earth moving as Martin Luther King, they can still have an affect on the lives of those around us.

My dream is to work from home, using my creativity and God given talents to enhance my life so that I can help my family and community. It sounds simple,  it is possible and it does come with a price. Simplifying the dream and the goal is taking a lot of work, in my head and on paper. Keeping the dream alive while listening to negative voices in my head and negative people in my life takes faith and preserverance. Talking about my dream with others takes courage. The real work then has to follow.

I have been reading and researching and listening , to figure out what is the driving force of my creativity and what is the message that I feel I need to share, and I think I've found it. Let's see if you can figure it out and help me put it into words.

What about you? What are your dreams? What would you like to change ? Who would you like to help?