Things that add the spice or flavor to life

This blog was inspired by my children, my pets and friends. Through years of trying to entertain children I found other families, friends and community groups to collaborate with for ideas and resources. Those who know me, know how much children, pets, nature and creativity mean to me. The little the things that add some fun and flavor to your life, like art, creative cooking, nature activities, and fun facts. I was blessed with, and extremely thankful for, many of these things in my life. My mission here is to offer ideas, and inspiration among friends and put together a network of resources, including a list of organizations that do good in our community and a way to support them.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Sewing for Spring

I am feeling very inspired by the spring weather this week! I am also in need of a new favorite purse/hangbag. So I think my sewing class will be some easy to make bags! I will go searching for the perfect fabrics tomorrow!  I am thinking of offering classes during the day for adults and Sunday afternoon fro both kids and adults. I will put it out there next week and see if what kind of feedback I get. Most likely I will start out church - Gilead, Carmel, NY - and possibly hold some at the White Pond center as well.

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