I love posting things about nature and animals and crafts and things that make people think and laugh. The past year has been quite an interesting journey for me. Many changes have come my way, some by choice, some by fate and some have been dropped in my path with no way around but to plow through and find a way.
By choice, I have been making some lifestyle and career changes that feed my soul, are less stressful and more aesthetically appealing to me and I will share those details as they arise. By fate, I reconnected with old friends, made some new friends and rediscovered a path I have ignored for many years. Now for the big one, the one that's been dropped, becoming caregiver for my parents.
The circle of life for me is living part time with my parents, kind of like when I was in college, yet caring for them almost like they are my children but having to wear kid gloves because it's their house, they have opinions and are a bit set in their ways, and have their own way of doing things. It is also difficult for them to admit, sometimes, how much they need the help of others.
Everyday there is something that just makes me shake my head and walk away, with the dog, into the woods to think, literally. The peacefulness of nature is just about the only thing that is keeping me sane at this point and I feel compelled to share some of my daily happenings with someone, anyone, who will listen.
Sharing ideas to inspire your creativity and curiosity. Those little things that add extra seasoning to life.
Things that add the spice or flavor to life
This blog was inspired by my children, my pets and friends. Through years of trying to entertain children I found other families, friends and community groups to collaborate with for ideas and resources.
Those who know me, know how much children, pets, nature and creativity mean to me. The little the things that add some fun and flavor to your life, like art, creative cooking, nature activities, and fun facts. I was blessed with, and extremely thankful for, many of these things in my life.
My mission here is to offer ideas, and inspiration among friends and put together a network of resources, including a list of organizations that do good in our community and a way to support them.