I love to wake up to birds singing! If you haven't already, put out your feeders and houses and watch some great entertainment from nature!
How Do Birds Sing Without Pausing To Breathe?
The birds are singing now, and for good reason: breeding season is in full swing.
It’s the males, of course, providing the music (females make alarm calls and other vocalizations but not songs). So how can they sing so long without pausing? Turns out birds have evolved the ability to breath and sing simultaneously.
It’s A Male Thing
It’s the males, of course, providing the music (females make alarm calls and other vocalizations but almost never songs). And while a male will sing for several reasons, the main function of a song is to inform other birds of the singer’s existence. Specifically, a song informs rival males and potential mates of the bird’s species, and subtle variations to the song identify the bird as an individual. These variations are usually imperceptible to humans, but studies have shown that birds respond differently to the songs of their neighbors than to recordings of birds from other areas.
Studies have also shown that female birds respond more favorably to complex songs—provided the renditions still convey basic identity information. In other words, it pays to show off, and this has led to the evolution of some very elaborate songs. Not surprisingly, birds possess some very sophisticated vocal instruments.
Two-part Harmonies
Bird vocalization comes from an organ called the syrinx, which is located in the breast (thus even headless ducks and chickens can quack or cluck). The syrinx is a branched structure through which air passes, and each branch can be controlled independently. As a result, a bird can produce two distinct sounds at the same time, essentially harmonizing with itself or, in some cases, even adding percussion. The haunting melodies of the thrushes and the overlapping phrases of the Brown Thrasher are great examples.
Another physical attribute that contributes to a bird’s ability to produce complex songs is its specialized breathing apparatus (
click here for details). By manipulating air sacs and lungs independently, a bird can inhale and exhale simultaneously. That’s what allows the tiny Winter Wren to produce its long, complicated songs.
Are you hearing lots of bird songs these days? Our mornings seem noisier than rush-hour in New York City right now!
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